If you are interested in some of the best ways to enhance your life's productivity, it is advisable to explore some of the best workshops online. These events may provide you with a lot of information that will be helpful in your work. These workshops are designed to provide individuals with the necessary information so that they can know more about the things that they need to do to manage their business. By going to these best workshops streaming online, you will be able to get the chance to learn some of the best practices that you can use in future.

This type of event will allow you to gain information about the different social media platforms that are used by many individuals around the world. Get a grip of some online Workshops mentioned below and schedule your day's in accordance. By using social media platforms, you will be able to spend time fruitfully and effectively.

- Sun 17 Jan 2021
- at 11:00 am11:00 am
- Platform - Zoom
- ₹ 570 per person
- Anyone over the age of 16 is welcome
We all are surrounded by various things, having their own story to tell. How would be the feeling if all objects start speaking? Tickle your imaginary world and let your imaginations get its individual and unique flow with this workshop on story-telling. Create your stapler as a crocodile, the charging wires for a skipping-rope, or the pencil to be a person standing! Explore the world of simple joys in creating stories using the various objects around us.
2. Felicity Masterclass
Date - To Be Announced
The Charitable Theatre Organisation gets along with a fun-filled online workshop which most talented personalities of the TV/Bollywood industry will take care of!
This platform gets the young generation together, letting them grow, discover and practice under the able guidance of the renowned actors, directors of the nation.
The two and a half hours workshop creates a new-seen-before opportunity for the creative minds and lets them showcase their talents to the public at large.

- Tue 22 Dec 2020 - Thu 31 Dec 2020
- Platform- Zoom
- ₹ 200 per person and 1500/- for 12 sessions
- Trainer Name - Dr Deepika Tayal, Live Streaming Platform - Zoom Video Call
Get energised and revitalised with Deepika and her complete workout programme for the body and mind. Right from yoga, Pilates, Pranayama, body stretching, strengthening, muscle-toning and relaxation, this online streaming workshop is going to be one of the biggest stress-buster this season!
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