Plan your next visit with our must-visit places in Hyderabad

Hyderabad the capital city of the newly formed state Telangana, has a rich cultural history that highlights the past of this place. There are many historical monuments in Hyderabad that give a glimpse of the various dynasties to which the city owes its heritage status. Different dynasts built these monuments and thus showcase different architectural designs. Listed below are some renowned places to visit in Hyderabad
1) Golconda Fort:
Image result for golconda fort
This 120 metres high fort built during the Kakatiya dynasty although not in its full glory is a must-visit monument in Hyderabad that attracts the architectural and archaeological enthusiasts. Spanning an area of approximately 11 km, the fort gets its name from the word Goll-Konda which translates to The Shepherd’s hill in Telugu. The fort has 8 gateways with 87 bastions, several halls, royal apartments, temples, and mosques.
2) Ramoji Film City:

Anyone who knows Hyderabad surely has this famous studio in their list of ‘places to visit in Hyderabad’. Ramoji Rao, the popular producer of the Telugu movie industry Built Ramji Film City on the lines of film studios in Hollywood.. Declared as the largest studio in the world by Guinness World Records, this place is also a popular tourist attraction and the amusement park where millions of tourists visit round the year.
3) Charminar:
A mosque with four minarets (hence the name), Charminar is not only one of the few monuments in Hyderabad but also an identity of the city. It finds its place as an archaeological and architectural treasure in the Archaeological Survey of India’s official “List of Monuments”. Muhammad Quli Qutb Shah built the Charminar after he shifted the capital of his dynasty from Golconda to Hyderabad. Another architectural marvel in the city, Charminar buzzes with people during festivals of Eid because of the surrounding markets.
4) Qutb Shahi Tombs:
Image result for Qutb Shahi Tombs:
On the north of the Golconda fort are the tombs of the rulers from the Qutub Shah reign. Being built in different years, the tombs give a glimpse of Persian, Deccan, Pathani and Hindu architecture. Owing to these different architectural styles, the tombs are popular among architecture enthusiasts.
There was a proposal to UNESCO to consider the historical monuments in Hyderabad (i.e. Golconda, Charminar and Qutb Shahi Tombs) as “World Heritage Sites”.
