
Abominable is a computer-animated film produced by DreamWorks Animation in partnership with Pearl Studio. The world premiere of the film is scheduled on September 2019 at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF). It will be released the same month in the USA under the banner of Universal Pictures on Sept 27, 2019.
The adventure film is being awaited with bated breath since 2010 when it was launched. Expectations are high for the anticipated production values from the house of DreamWorks Animation who have such iconic animation films as Antz, Shrek and Madagascar, among others to their credit.
It depicts the epic trials and travails faced by three friends Yi, Jin and Peng in trying to reunite a Yeti with its family. The story begins on the roof of a Shanghai apartment building where Yi finds the mythical creature, who is significantly named Everest. The narrative describes how the teenaged girl Yi, along with her impish friends Jin and Peng outsmart the wealthy Burnish and Dr Zara the biologist in hot pursuit to capture the Yeti. In this epic journey of adventure, the little friends always keep a step ahead of the pursuers to reach Everest, home to its family at the highest point on Earth. 
Cast and Characters:
  • Chloe Bennet as Yi.
  • Albert Tsai as Peng.
  • Tenzing Norgay Trainor as Jin.
  • Eddie Izzard as Burnish.
  • Sarah Paulson as Dr Zara.
  • Tsai Chin as Nai Nai
  • Michelle Wong
Other credits: 
  • Writer and Director:  Jill Culton 
  • Music: Rupert Gregson Williams
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Visit us to have a glimpse at the official trailer of epic adventure film Abominable. It is sure to keep you and your family enthralled through the film.
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