Terminator: Dark Fate

Terminator: dark fate to be released on November 1, 2019, would be the sixth sequence in the Terminator series, the release of the first was in 1984. James Cameron once again uses science fiction to depict the adventures in a post-apocalyptic world- A world where the original human race, as we know it, is in the brink of extinction. The few humans are fighting to survive against hostile machines. Well, all is not hostile. One Cyborg, when questioned, says she is human or was.
Terminator: Tim Milan has directed the dark fate. Goyer, Rhodes, and Ray have done the screenplay. The film produced by Cameron and Ellison will be released in North America by Paramount Pictures and in other countries by Walt Disney Studios. The film casts powerful actors in lead roles. Linda Hamilton plays the part of Sarah Connor. Arnold Schwarzenegger plays a T-800 model 101. The movie has an R rating.
In terminator part 6 the battle between Skynet’s synthetic intelligence machines and the human race sets out to explore unknown frontiers. The new powerful cyborg terminator has evolved to become more agile than the past terminators. The transition from human to machine and back is fluid. Organic and Biomechatronics seem to be in perfect symphony.
In Terminator part six, Sarah Connor, the leading female character of the terminator sequence, has returned from far. Now she is on an assignment supported by her agents to fight the T-1000. How Sarah protects a young girl from a new powerful cyborg is the plot of Terminator: the dark fate. The terminator cyborg hunts its victim and the background music score ‘I’m hunting’ goes well. Why does the cyborg want to hunt down this young girl?
Ironically though to wage war against the cyborgs Sarah takes help from a female cyborg. Why does the cyborg decide to help her? Is she on the side of machines or humans? Terminator: the dark fate sure promises an exciting watch.
