5 Plays You Can Watch This Weekend

The rainy days of the year are here, and all we would like to do is stay indoors. Getting the weekend dose of entertainment is difficult in this season, as that would require us to leave behind the comfort of our homes and step into the wet world outside. While trekking and camping are popular activities in this weather, some of us prefer indoor entertainment. That’s when cinema halls and theatre auditoriums come to the rescue. If you are a theatre lover, there are a number of plays happening in the city, which will keep you entertained over the weekend, without getting you wet. Check them out here:

After Shikhandi, Faezeh Jalali is back with this multilingual drama on the prison accounts of Reyhaneh Jabbari. Based on a true story, this play will send chills down your spine, as it deals with the horrors Jabbari faced in prison, before she was finally executed. The play will stage at Prithvi – the hub of theatre in Mumbai – on the 6th and 7th of this month.

Cast Off All Shame
Medieval bhakti poet Janabai comes alive in this poetic recital, taking the role of an agony aunt to solve many contemporary issues surrounding women. Featuring poems of Janabai, Akka Mahadevi, Awaiyyar, and Soyarabai, this is a must watch for all lovers of poetry, who can catch the performance at Harkat Studios on Saturday, and House of Wow on Sunday.  

This play is for those lovers of controversy, who can go back in time to the assassination of the Father of the Nation. This Marathi drama has been narrated from the perspective of Nathuram Godse’s brother, Gopal Godse, who discusses his brother’s strong fundamentals and reasons that led up to that fateful event. The play will be staged at Shivaji Mandir in Dadar this Saturday.

This long running play, written by Eve Ensler, stars prominent artists like Mahabanoo Mody-Kotwal, Dolly Thakore, Avantika Akerkar, Jayati Bhatia, and Sonali Sachdev. Monologues from this play are bittersweet, and leave you in splits. Theatre lovers who haven’t watched this play yet can catch it at Canvas Laugh Club this weekend in Hindi and English.

Silly Point Productions is known for producing slapstick comedies. One of their plays is coming back this month, at Royal Opera House Theatre in South Bombay on Sunday. The play stars Silly Point favorites Danesh Irani and Danesh Khambatta, and joining them are Sajeel Parakh and Pheroza Mody – regulars in Meherzad Patel’s plays.

The venues listed here are some of the best places in the city to watch a play. You don’t have to go all the way to the NCPA anymore. Many new spaces are opening up for theatre, and the plays performed here are just as exciting as the ones you’d get to watch in Prithvi.
